Meet Elizabeth Hahn, Front End Developer

October 26, 2021
elizabeth hahn hire at Lyssn

What is your job at Lyssn?

Front End Developer. I work on the Lyssn platform’s applications and functionality.

What did you do before joining Lyssn?

I have a degree in social work and was primarily working with before and after school programs in low-income schools. There was a lot I liked about it: being in service to others, working on a team and engaging in project-based work. I wanted to find something in tech that had those elements, but where I could also learn, and grow my expertise. I also wanted to further the role of women in STEM, and it was important to me to join a company that shared that value.

I took some time off to hike the Appalachian Trail, and when I came back the pandemic hit. I thought it was a great time to go back to school. I completed a program with the Turing School of Software and Design, whose mission can be summarized as helping reduce the diversity gap in tech.

What drew you to Lyssn?

One of my worries going into tech was that I would lose my background working in service and helping professions. I wanted to feel my career  was helping people and that the company mission would align with my personal values. To be able to work in tech in a company that is dedicated to improving mental health services and increasing equality of heath care was ideal.

What’s some of your favorite things about Lyssn?

Lyssn is dedicated to hiring a diverse team in an effort to have a better product. When I joined the Lyssn team I tipped the scale of our dev team to a female majority. I loved that, because diversity is very important to me. That is really rare in tech and I feel lucky to be at a company that allows me to help others and is also way ahead of the curve for women in STEM.

What is something you like most about working at Lyssn?

The team here is really great and welcoming. Everyone is eager to grow and learn, and it is a very open environment – I can feel free to make suggestions or reach out about things. We’re a growing team and that can mean a potential for a lot of change but even with that I feel comfortable here. And it is also amazing to work with a company who truly do want to help people and make the world a better place.

Before working at Lyssn, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I worked in a nursing home. It was my first job, and I was only 15-years old. I was working in the dining hall and had the chance to interact with the residents. It was interesting to see their different ability levels, and to get to know their needs. To be a young teen and spend time with people who were at the end of their lives, it was a learning experience for sure. It also introduced me to working in a service environment – a passion that stuck.

What animal best represents you?

Probably an elephant. They are empathetic, intelligent, lovable, and long-distance hikers.

What is the last book you read?

OtherLand. by Tad Williams. I love fantasy and sci-fi books. I found this one at a used bookstore and really loved it. In this world the internet, “net”,  is all consuming and a full immersive virtual reality. The story follows many characters, but one is about a girl who is trying to rescue her brother who is stuck in the net.

What are your favorite hobbies?

Hiking. But I’m also an artist. I work with markers/ink art creating bright and vibrant pictures. I also work in collaborative art. That is where two or more people bounce off each other. One of us works on a canvas for week, then someone else takes it and adds their touches. We also work adjacently and collaborate in real time. These works are mostly mixed media collage where we build nature-based pieces that skew towards fantasy.

That is so cool. Where can people see your art?

At the moment another woman and I are working collaboratively on some pieces. We have about five finished and are building a collection to work towards a showing. Eventually I will build a website for my art but for now people can see my personal art on Instagram @ehahnart.

And wait, you hiked the Appalachian Trail?

I did. It took six months to hike it! It was an amazing experience! I love long distance hiking and was inspired to hike it after meeting and talking with someone who had hiked it. I thought it best to take the opportunity when I’m young. Eventually I’d like to hike some of the Pacific Crest Trail.

What is your favorite food?

Definitely spaghetti. I love Italian food! I’m a vegetarian so I also like to experiment with plant-based recipes at home.

What is something people are surprised to learn about you?

That I am hula hooper and practice hoop dancing for fun, expression, and exercise. Also, that I am a web developer – most of the people in my life think of me as working in social services.

What is one thing you like people to know about you?

That I am a people first person. I like to see the world and people around me through the lens of kindness and compassion. I do my best to live in my integrity and be mindful of myself and others. I keep a gratitude journal every day, which is really helpful for keeping a grounded perspective.

Thanks for sharing about yourself, Elizabeth, and thanks to all the readers for taking the time to learn more about our amazing team.