Radically improve quality, training, and outcomes.

Lyssn AI offers the insight to measure, track, report, and train on the use of evidence-based practices.

  • Training on Demand

    Reduce turnover and promote skill development.

    Learn more
  • Document

    Return time to providers with accurate clinical note drafts.

    Learn more
  • Improve Quality

    Transform practice with always-on evaluation and feedback.

    Learn more
Lyssn AI is built on the largest data set of its kind.
  • 16+ years

    of academic research, peer-review papers and NIH support

  • 26,500+

    real-world sessions analyzed to date, and counting

  • 3.9 billion

    words individually labeled so far

  • Created by clinicians with security in mind.

    We understand the sensitive nature and trust involved in a therapeutic, crisis, child welfare, or wellness session. That’s why we made Lyssn unobtrusive to use and fully secure. Learn more about how Lyssn keeps user privacy at the forefront.

  • We literally wrote the book on AI in health and human services.

    The Lyssn founders are academics and AI experts that conducted the first of its kind research and set the standard for AI in health and human services. With more than 60+ peer-reviewed journal articles, Lyssn has been proven in real-world clinical, coaching, and social service settings.

  • Validated metrics for evidence-based practice.

    Lyssn AI is the only AI software that has been trained to accurately evaluate evidence-based practices. All 75+ Lyssn AI metrics come from clinically and externally validated measures of fidelity that are used for training and assessing caseworkers, coaches, call-takers, and clinicians worldwide.